Pediatric head and neck lumps
While a lump on your child’s head or neck can be concerning, most rarely pose a health risk. Still, it is important to have the lump evaluated by your doctor if it does not disappear within a week or two.
What are pediatric head and neck lumps?
All lumps should be checked by a physician. Most often, these lumps are caused by infections that can be treated. Treatment should start quickly to prevent complications or the spread of infection.
You can usually see a lump resolve within a week. If the lump does not resolve, or gets larger or is interfering with your child’s breathing or eating, call your physician immediately for an appointment.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric head and neck lumps?
Enlarged lymph nodes
How are pediatric head and neck lumps diagnosed?
If your physician is concerned about the lump on your child’s head or neck, you may be referred for further tests. Examination of some masses may determine their cause based on location, size and consistency.
In other cases, however, additional imaging tests may be required, such as:
How are pediatric head and neck lumps treated?
Treatments for a head or neck lump are determined by the cause of the mass.
Benign lumps may be treated with medication or removed by surgery.
Cancerous lump
Radiation therapy
Cancerous head and neck lumps are very rare in children.
Pediatric head and neck lumps doctors and providers
- Dr. Romaine Johnson, MDENT (otorrinolaringólogo pediátrico)
- Seckin Ulualp, MDPediatric Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Dra. Felicity Lenes-Voit, MDENT (otorrinolaringóloga pediátrica)
- Christopher Liu, MDPediatric Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Prof. Kimberly Donner, PA-CAsistente médico: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Jennifer Moylon, PA-CAsistente médico: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Emily Roman, PA-CAsistente médico: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Katherine Turner, PA-CAsistente médico: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Carol Watson, PA-CAsistente médico: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Cheryl Holihan, APRN, PNP-AC/PC Enfermera facultativa pediátrica: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Jennie Jones, APRN, PNP-AC/PCEnfermera facultativa pediátrica: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Caroline Martin, APRN, PNP-AC/PCEnfermera facultativa pediátrica: Otorrinolaringología
- Prof. Margaret McCasland, APRN, PNP-AC/PCEnfermera facultativa pediátrica: Otorrinolaringología