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Qué debe saber sobre el sarampión y la vacuna MMR
El sarampión es una infección viral que puede causar sarpullido rojo con manchas, fiebre, tos y secreción nasal. Esta afección altamente contagiosa también puede provocar complicaciones graves e incluso potencialmente mortales, como neumonía y encefalitis. Because measles can be prevented with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination, most children are now protected from contracting the virus.Moreabout what to know about measles and the mmr vaccine
Combata las alergias estacionales en los niños
Las alergias estacionales se encuentran entre las alergias más comunes en los Estados Unidos. In fact, up to 40% of children have pollen allergies, also referred to as allergic rhinitis or hay fever.Moreabout fight seasonal allergies in kids
What parents need to know about bird flu
Bird flu primarily infects birds like chickens, ducks and turkeys. But in abril de 2024, there were reports of a human dairy worker who had become infected with bird flu, as well as traces of bird flu found in cows being raised for food. While these reports have sparked concerns, experts say there is no cause for alarm.Moreabout what parents need to know about bird flu
What parents need to know about red dye no. 3
In enero de 2025, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially banned the use of red dye no. 3 in food and medicines in the U.S.Moreabout what parents need to know about red dye no. 3
Sepa cuándo hablar con el pediatra sobre el desarrollo del niño
As your child grows, he or she will begin to hit certain developmental milestones like crawling, talking and walking. Although each child grows differently, children tend to hit these developmental milestones roughly around the same time.Moreabout know when to talk to your pediatrician about your child's development
Cuándo mantener a los niños en casa y que no vayan a la escuela
Entre resfriados, tos e infecciones estomacales, los niños se enferman con frecuencia. When symptoms like a runny nose or stomach pain hit, it may be hard to decide when you should keep your child home from daycare or school.Moreabout when to keep kids home from school