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CE (colitis eosinofílica) pediátrica

Pediatric specialists at Children's Health℠ are experts in diagnosing and treating digestive and nutrition issues in children, including eosinophilic colitis (eo·​sin·​o·​phil·​ic - co·​li·​tis) or EC. Our team of experts work together to offer your child early diagnosis and treatment. Catching EC early means we can help your child achieve the best symptom relief, growth, development and overall health.

Our team includes pediatric gastroenterologists, allergists, pathologists and nutritionists. These specialists blend their expertise to help your child in every possible way, and set your child up for a happier, healthier life.

Pediatric eosinophilic colitis (EC) doctors and providers

Children’s Health experts are here to help identify your child’s food allergies and manage inflammation before it can cause serious problems. Programe una cita con uno de nuestros proveedores hoy mismo.

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