Pediatric cirrhosis
Pediatric cirrhosis (cir·rho·sis) occurs when liver disease has damaged the cells in the liver and caused scar tissue to form.
What is pediatric cirrhosis?
When liver disease has advanced and caused scar tissue to form, cirrhosis can result. The scar tissue blocks blood flow, which leads to waste products building up in the child’s body. Therefore, the liver cannot perform its normal functions.
Many people think of cirrhosis occurring due to a history of alcoholism. While this is sometimes a contributing factor in adults with cirrhosis, children can develop the condition for a variety of other reasons.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric cirrhosis?
Early symptoms
Abdominal swelling
Fatigue (extreme tiredness)
General weakness
Painful or tender abdomen
Reduced appetite
Later symptoms
Bruising easily
Enlarged liver
Enlarged spleen
Infections in the abdomen
Feeling confused or unusually forgetful
Loss of body hair
Reddened palms of the hands
Retaining water
Swelling of the legs and abdomen
Urine that is dark in color
Vomiting blood
Wounds that take unusually long to heal
What are the causes of pediatric cirrhosis?
Causes of cirrhosis in children can include:
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency - A hereditary condition that can lead to lung and liver disease
Autoimmune hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver caused by the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking the liver
Bile duct diseases - Affects the tube that carries bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine during the normal course of digestion
Cystic fibrosis (CF) - An inherited genetic condition that affects mucus production, leading to lung infections and breathing difficulties.
Exposure to certain drugs and toxins - Including methotrexate (medication used to treat cancer), rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and high levels of vitamin A
Fatty liver disease - A group of conditions that affect the liver of a person without a history of alcoholism
Glycogen storage disease - A condition in which a child’s body is unable to process or store the energy found in foods
Hepatitis B - A viral infection that affects the liver and causes both acute (short-term) and chronic (ongoing) complications
Hepatitis C - A viral infection that leads to inflammation of the liver and other related complications
Tyrosinemia - A genetic condition that causes problems breaking down a specific amino acid – called tyrosine – that is found in most sources of protein
Wilson’s disease - A hereditary condition in which excessive amounts of copper accumulates in a child’s organs
Pediatric cirrhosis doctors and providers
- AAAmal Aqul, MDPediatric Hepatologist
- Lauren Lazar, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- Megha Mehta, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- Charina Ramirez, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, MDPediatric Hepatologist
- IRIsabel Rojas Santamaria, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- To Nhu Nguyen, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Gastroenterology
- Shabina Walji-Virani, APRN, PNP-PCNurse Practitioner - Gastroenterology