Aneurisma cerebral pediátrica
A brain aneurysm (an·eu·rysm) occurs when an area of an artery bulges or balloons due to a weakening of the artery wall. Aneurysms can be life threatening if they rupture and require immediate medical attention. Aneurysms are not common in children, but can happen, and they are not typically symptomatic unless they rupture. At Children's Health℠, The Center for Cerebrovascular Disorders in Children offers children and parents a collaborative group of experts that comprehensively diagnose and treat your child’s cerebrovascular disease, such as aneurysms.
What is a pediatric brain aneurysm?

A brain aneurysm can break or rupture, which can cause bleeding into the brain – known as a hemorrhagic stroke.
When an aneurysm ruptures, this frequently happens in the space between the brain and the thin tissues the cover the brain (subarachnoid hemorrhage).
In most cases, the brain aneurysm doesn’t rupture, creating health problems or causing symptoms. These aneurysms are usually diagnosed during an imaging scan or other test to check for another health condition.
The Center for Cerebrovascular Disorders in Children team is among the very best in the region at performing the most advanced procedures and therapies for the treatment of pediatric cerebrovascular disease. Cada uno de los miembros de nuestro equipo principal trabaja de manera exclusiva en el entorno pediátrico con un interés clínico en los trastornos del sistema cerebrovascular.
Este programa es el único de su tipo en Texas y parte de un puñado en todo el país. Ofrece un nivel único de experiencia en el manejo y el tratamiento de pacientes que padecen aneurismas específicos de niños y adolescentes. Somos el único programa de Dallas que ofrece cobertura de neurocirugía y neurorradiología pediátricas las 24 horas del día prestada por profesionales pediátricos dedicados y especializados.
What are the signs and symptoms of a pediatric brain aneurysm?
When a ruptured aneurysm is experienced, the main symptom to watch out for is a sudden, severe headache, oftentimes described as the “worst headache” ever experienced.
Other signs and symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm can include:
Visión borrosa o doble
Drooping eyelid
Sensibilidad a la luz
Pérdida del conocimiento
Rigidez en el cuello
How is a pediatric brain aneurysm diagnosed?
Quick diagnosis and treatment is important in the case of a ruptured aneurysm.
Tests commonly used in the diagnosis of aneurysms include:
Angiografía cerebral: esta prueba es realizada por un radiólogo intervencionista especializado en la atención de niños. Esto es muy importante, ya que los niños tienen vasos sanguíneos más pequeños, limitaciones en la administración del tinte y recomendaciones específicas de radiación.
La angiografía cerebral es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo en el que se utiliza un contraste o tinte especial para observar el flujo sanguíneo en el cerebro. Durante el procedimiento, el radiólogo coloca una pequeña vía intravenosa o catéter en un vaso sanguíneo en la ingle, que luego utiliza para llegar a los vasos que suministran sangre al cerebro. Con la ayuda del contraste o tinte especial, una máquina de rayos X se mueve en diferentes ángulos y toma imágenes de los vasos sanguíneos. Un equipo compuesto por un radiólogo, un anestesiólogo, técnicos radiólogos y enfermeros cuidará al niño durante todo el procedimiento.
Después del procedimiento, su hijo tendrá que permanecer acostado durante aproximadamente cuatro horas debido a la punción de un vaso sanguíneo grande en la entrepierna, ya que esto disminuye el riesgo de hemorragia. Si hace falta, su hijo/a recibirá medicamentos para ayudarlo a relajarse y descansar durante este tiempo. This can be an outpatient procedure; however, if treatment is performed, such as coiling, your child will be admitted for observation by our team.
Computed tomography (CT) scan - This test uses X-rays to produce multiple images of the inside of the body. These three-dimensional pictures of the brain can show bleeding in the artery after the aneurysm has burst.
MRI with magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) - This procedure uses radiofrequency to create accurate two- and three-dimensional images of the arteries in the neck and brain.
How is a pediatric brain aneurysm treated?
The ultimate goal of treating an aneurysm is to prevent future bleeding while preserving the artery. Our team of experts, who specialize in treating children with aneurysms, includes a neurologist, neurosurgeon, and a neuroradiologist.
In most cases, aneurysms can be successfully treated. A child's prognosis depends on how much bleeding occurred and how function and consciousness was initially affected by the ruptured aneurysm.
Las opciones de tratamiento incluyen:
Cerebral coiling - This procedure, performed by an interventional radiologist in conjunction with a cerebral angiogram, uses a catheter inserted through the groin area to pack tiny coils into the aneurysm to promote blood clotting and close off the aneurysm.
Neurosurgery or microsurgery - Surgical intervention for cerebrovascular disorders requires a highly specialized and meticulous approach. This approach requires a craniotomy, removal of a piece of the skull followed by its replacement and following which our neuro surgeon utilizes a microscope to better visualize the aneurysm and place small metal clips at the base of the aneurysm where it bulges from the artery.
This process clips or ties off the bulging section of the artery without tearing it and causing a stroke. This technique, known as microsurgical clipping, has an excellent success rate.
Pediatric brain aneurysm doctors and providers
- Dr. Brad Edward Weprin, MD Neurocirujano pediátrico
- Dr. Rafael De Oliveira Sillero, MD Neurocirujano
- Dr. Huy Do, MDAnestesista pediátrico
- Dra. Amy Hogge, MDAnestesista pediátrica
- Dr. Darryl Miles, MDEspecialista en cuidados críticos
- Dr. G. Pride, MDNeurorradiólogo pediátrico
- Dra. Lakshmi Raman, MDEspecialista en cuidados críticos
- Dr. Dale Swift, MDNeurocirujano pediátrico