27 de jun de 2022, 1:21:57 p. m., hora de verano del centro 3 de ene de 2024, 4:04:11 p. m., hora estándar del centro

Cómo hablar con alguien que tiene dudas sobre la vacuna

Dos expertos comparten consejos para abordar las dudas sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19

Madres en una cita de juego Madres en una cita de juego

COVID‑19 vaccines are the best protection against serious COVID‑19 illness and have played a critical role in reducing the spread of COVID‑19. While more than 250 million people in the United States have safely been vaccinated, some people still feel hesitant about getting a vaccine – or booster – for themselves or their children.

¿Cuáles son los motivos frecuentes de las dudas respecto de la vacuna contra la COVID?

People have different reasons for being hesitant about COVID‑19 vaccines. Many of those reasons come from misinformation online or from friends or family members.

“Tenemos que recordar que los padres están tratando de hacer lo correcto para su hijo y realmente temen por lo que podría suceder”, dice la Dra. Dawn Johnson, directora médica de medicina primaria de Children's Health℠.

La Dra. Johnson y su colega, la Dra. Nancy Kelly, pediatra de Children's Health℠ y profesora de Pediatría de UT Southwestern, alientan a todas las personas a hacer su propia investigación sobre las pruebas y la seguridad de las vacunas a través de organizaciones confiables y aprobadas, y evitar información de fuentes no específicas que pueden no estar basadas en evidencia e investigaciones. Trusted sources include:

Preguntas e inquietudes frecuentes sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19

Drs. Johnson and Kelly talk to many families about COVID-19 vaccines. Here are some of the most common questions and concerns they hear:

Pregunta: Are there certain people, including children, who can't get sick from COVID‑19 and don't need to be vaccinated?

Respuesta: Pueden contraer COVID-19 personas de cualquier edad. Aunque los niños tienen menor riesgo que los adultos de padecer formas graves de la COVID-19, pueden enfermarse, y lo hacen. Getting vaccinated against COVID‑19 is the best way to help children and teens prevent illness, stay in daycare or school and safely participate in activities they enjoy.

Pregunta: How do I know the vaccines are safe?

Respuesta: COVID‑19 vaccines have undergone rigorous, multi-stage testing processes and large clinical trials to make sure they are safe. Since the COVID‑19 vaccines were first approved, hundreds of millions of people have safely been vaccinated. Los expertos siguen supervisando de cerca las vacunas y cualquier inquietud de seguridad.

Pregunta: Are COVID‑19 vaccines effective?

Respuesta: Sí. Se demostró que las vacunas contra la COVID-19 reducen el riesgo de enfermedad y hospitalización por COVID-19. Staying up to date on your COVID‑19 vaccines is the best way to protect you and your children from illness.

Pregunta: Can COVID‑19 vaccines change my DNA?

Respuesta: No. COVID‑19 vaccines do not change or interact with DNA in any way.

Pregunta: Do COVID‑19 vaccines cause heart issues?

Respuesta: One side effect you may have heard about is the chance of heart inflammation, or myocarditis. This is very rare. And when it does happen in those very rare cases, it's a form of myocarditis that is very treatable. According to the CDC, the benefits of vaccination for children far outweigh the risks. Learn more about COVID‑19 vaccines and myocarditis.

Pregunta: Do the vaccines affect fertility?

Respuesta: There is no evidence that COVID‑19 vaccines cause problems with fertility. Trusted organizations recommend COVID‑19 vaccines for people who may consider getting pregnant in the future. Obtenga más información sobre las vacunas contra la COVID-19 y la fertilidad.

You can also learn more about common myths and facts about COVID‑19 vaccines.

Consejos para hablar con las personas sobre las dudas en relación con las vacunas

Drs. Johnson and Kelly frequently talk with people who are hesitant about getting COVID‑19 vaccines. They offer these tips for talking to someone who isn't sure about getting vaccinated or getting their child vaccinated.

1. Listen and understand the person's concern about vaccines.

Recuerde que todos intentan hacer lo mejor para su familia. Try to listen with a sympathetic ear and to understand their main concerns. You can also ask if they are open to an honest discussion about vaccines.

2. Ofrezca recursos e información confiable.

If they are willing to have a discussion, you can show them reliable, trustworthy resources about the vaccines, such as the CDC, WHO and the AAP. Intente utilizar estas fuentes para responder sus preguntas. Anímela a hablar con su médico de cabecera o pediatra.

“El conocimiento es poder”, dice la Dra. Kelly. "If parents have accurate information, they can make the best decision for their child."

3. Comparta su experiencia personal con la vacunación.

It can be helpful to share your experience with COVID‑19 vaccines. Tell them why you choose to get vaccinated, if you have had any side effects and how you feel about being vaccinated.

4. Tenga paciencia y compasión.

Compartir los hechos y su experiencia y dejar la conversación abierta es la mejor manera de fomentar el diálogo. Durante la conversación, mantenga una mente abierta y sea paciente. Be curious more than judgmental and treat others with respect even when you disagree.

Obtenga más información sobre la COVID-19

En Children's Health nos comprometemos a seguir siendo una fuente confiable de información de salud y atención para usted y su familia. Vea más recursos para mantener sana a su familia en el centro de COVID-19 de Children's Health.

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communicable disease, coronavirus, immune system, infectious disease, virus, vaccine

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