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Guía de ropa con protección solar para niños

Proteja la piel de su hijo de los daños provocados por el sol con ropa con protección contra rayos UV.

Niño pequeño con camiseta con protección solar al aire libre con gafas de sol Niño pequeño con camiseta con protección solar al aire libre con gafas de sol

The hot summer months are a good time to take stock of how to best protect your child's skin. One option is to wear sun protective UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) clothing, which reduces exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and minimizes your child's risk of sunburn. However, it's still important to use in combination with other sun protection measures, such as applying sunscreen and seeking shade during peak sun hours.

¿Qué es la ropa con FPU y protección solar?

All clothing offers some degree of sun protection. But sun protection clothing offers more protection because it's made using a tighter weave that scatters UV rays and prevents them from hitting the skin.

UPF clothing is rated similar to sunscreen, using a "UPF" instead of "SPF" (sun protection factor). El FPU indica cuántos rayos UV pueden pasar a través de la ropa y llegar a la piel.

The difference between a cotton shirt and a UPF shirt is:

  • A white cotton shirt has a UPF rating of about 5, which means it allows 20% (or 1/5th) of the sun's UV rays to pass through the fabric.
  • A UPF shirt with a rating of 50 blocks 98% of the sun's UV rays, only allowing 2% (or 1/50th) to pass through the fabric.

Does sun protection clothing for kids work?

Sun protection clothing does work. Sun protection clothing is especially effective for babies and kids who may have sensitive skin. It is also a great option for kids who spend a long time outside. But keep in mind that it may not cover important areas that can get burned like your child's neck or ears.

UPF protection does go down when the clothing gets wet. But if you use clothing with a UPF of 50 or higher, it should still provide plenty of protection while swimming.

Where can I find sun protection clothing for kids?

You can find sun protection clothing at major retailers, specialty stores, sporting goods stores, children's clothing stores, swimwear stores and online. Some brands even offer sun protective blankets.

¿Sabía que…? Sun protection clothing is lighter weight and breathable, so it's more comfortable in hot and humid weather. It's also more stylish – so your kids may not mind wearing it.

¿De qué otra manera puedo proteger a mi hijo del sol?

Sun protection clothing should be worn in combination with these other sun safety measures to prevent sun damage:

  1. Apply (and reapply) sunscreen: Utilice un protector solar de amplio espectro con un FPS (factor de protección solar) alto de 30 o superior. Aplíquelo generosamente en toda la piel expuesta, incluido el rostro, el cuello, los brazos y las piernas. Reapply at least every two hours if your child is sweating or swimming.
  2. Buscar lugares donde haya sombra: Aliente al niño a permanecer en áreas con sombra, especialmente durante las horas pico de sol entre las 10 a.m. y las 4 p.m., cuando los rayos del sol son más fuertes.
  3. Usar un sombrero y gafas de sol: Haga que el niño use un sombrero de ala ancha que le cubra el rostro, el cuello y las orejas. And have them wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield their eyes from harmful rays.
  4. Limitar la exposición al sol: Try to minimize your child's exposure to the sun, especially during those peak hours. Planifique actividades al aire libre por la mañana o por la tarde, cuando el sol es menos intenso.
  5. Utilizar accesorios de protección: Consider using a beach umbrella or a sunshade when you're at the beach or other sunny places.
  6. Boost sun protection to regular clothes: SunGuard is a laundry additive that can add temporary UPF protection to regular clothes. The protection usually lasts for about 20 washes. SunGuard se puede encontrar en línea y en varios comercios minoristas importantes.

Obtener más información

For more information about keeping your child safe and healthy during the hot summer months, read more summer safety articles.

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sun protection, UPF clothing, UPF, sunproof clothing, sunburn, UV, summer safety, advice

Children's Health
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