Pediatric follicular thyroid cancer (FTC)
What is pediatric follicular thyroid cancer (FTC)?
Follicular thyroid carcinoma is the second most common type of cancer of the thyroid gland. Representing about 5-10% of all pediatric thyroid cancer diagnoses, it is much less common than papillary thyroid carcinoma. Typically there is a nodule that does not invade any of the blood vessels. Partial removal of the thyroid can lean to remission.
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While some risk factors have been identified, the majority of patients will not have any risk factors. While there is ongoing research into possible genetic causes of papillary thyroid carcinoma, the primary known risk factors for the disease include:
History of exposure to radiation to the head and neck
Patient history of thyroid disease
Treatment for previous childhood cancer (particularly Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
Family history of thyroid cancer.
It occurs more commonly in females and amongst the pediatric population, teenage girls are at greatest risk.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric follicular thyroid cancer (FTC)?
Many children will not have any symptoms when they are diagnosed or until the disease has progressed. Follicular thyroid carcinoma is most commonly found as a lump or swelling in the neck.
Parents may notice:
A change in their child’s voice
The child may complain of neck or throat pain, difficulty breathing, or a “lump” in their throat when swallowing
Sometimes it is identified only incidentally after a radiologic study of the neck is ordered for another reason and a lesion is seen in the thyroid gland.
How is pediatric follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) diagnosed?
The core evaluation of follicular thyroid carcinoma includes an initial comprehensive visit with a member of the thyroid team as well as a blood draw to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland, an ultrasound of the thyroid and neck, and a fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy of the thyroid mass.
Ultrasound - A non-invasive test that uses sound waves to develop pictures of the thyroid gland.
Fine needle aspiration - Involves a very small needle that is used to remove a sample of thyroid tissue that will then be analyzed by an expert pathologist who will assess for the presence of any cancer.
Based on the results of these and possible additional studies, a treatment plan will be recommended.
What are the causes of pediatric follicular thyroid cancer (FTC)?
As with all types of cancers, follicular thyroid carcinoma is caused by the reproduction of abnormal cells forming what is known as a tumor. The exact trigger for this growth is unknown.
How is pediatric follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) treated?
The extent of surgical and medical treatment will depend on the extent of your child’s disease.
Surgery - Initial treatment consists of surgical excision of all or part of the thyroid gland. Follicular thyroid carcinoma has a tendency to spread through blood vessels and therefore is less likely to spread into lymph nodes in the neck than papillary thyroid carcinoma and more likely to spread into other sites such as the lungs, liver, and bones. Surgical or other additional treatment may be required to treat any disease that has spread beyond the thyroid gland.
Radioactive iodine treatment - Once surgical management is complete, radioactive iodine treatment will be administered. Radioactive iodine treatment involves taking a pill that targets and kills any remaining thyroid tissue left after surgery.
In rare cases chemotherapy or external radiation may be required to treat extensive or residual disease.
Pediatric follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) doctors and providers
- Perrin White, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Soumya Adhikari, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Abha Choudhary, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Melissa Ham, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Huay-Lin Lo, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Muniza Mogri, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Sudha Mootha, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Nivedita Patni, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Amanda Shaw, MDPediatric Endocrinologist
- Ming Yang, MDPediatric Endocrinologist