Cómo hacer que los niños coman verduras
When you involve children in the cooking process, they not only become familiar with different foods and how to cook them, they also learn age-appropriate developmental skills. "Incorporating cooking activities at a young age gives children exposure to a variety of foods and supports a healthy relationship with food," says Ashley Kim, a registered dietitian with the Get up & Go program by Children's Health℠. "Begin by teaching your children to measure and mix ingredients as well as tackle basic tasks like washing produce."
Ashley shares ways to get children involved in preparing family meals while keeping kitchen safety top of mind.
Here are some age-appropriate tasks to get children of all ages involved in the kitchen:
Rinsing fruits and vegetables
Snapping green beans
Measuring ingredients
Mashing soft foods
Cutting with a blunt knife
Grating cheese
Forming cookies and patties
Peeling onions and garlic
Breaking eggs
Kneading dough
Light chopping with round-end steak knife
Planning and preparing basic lunches, meals and snacks
Cooking soup
Using a food processor
Using a chef's knife
Putting foods in the oven and removing them
Baking quick breads and muffins
Using all kitchen appliances, including outdoor grills
Developing knife skills to chop, dice and mince
Driving to the store and buying groceries
Marinating foods
Sautéing and pan-frying foods
Remember to discuss safety rules in the kitchen before any of these other skills are taught. Teach your children how to wash their hands before handling foods and explain ways to avoid cross-contamination from raw meats. Help them implement safe knife-handling skills and how to navigate hot surfaces. Always supervise young children in the kitchen, and establish a rule to ask permission before cooking in the kitchen.
Interested in learning more about healthier habits for your family? Join one of our Get Up & Go family cooking classes or a weight management program.
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Nutrición clínica
Los nutricionistas de Children's Health están aquí para desarrollar el mejor plan nutricional para su hijo. Ofrecemos conocimientos expertos y podemos coordinar la elaboración de dietas para tratar afecciones frecuentes, además de afecciones médicas complejas.
Get Up & Go
Diseñado por nuestros médicos y nutricionistas registrados, este programa aborda las necesidades de los niños con sobrepeso u obesos generando conciencia y comprensión de cómo las elecciones de estilo de vida afectan la salud.