Tinea capitis (ringworm) in children

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What is tinea capitis (ringworm) in children?

El término médico “tinea capitis” se usa para referirse a una infección fúngica (“tiña”) del cuero cabelludo. It is caused by a fungus, not a worm, and is an amazingly contagious problem frequently brought home by school age every fall. La tinea capitis puede causar problemas significativos.

Curiosamente, se limita a los niños. El sebo, que es el aceite de la piel estimulado por las hormonas durante la adolescencia, tiene un impacto negativo en la capacidad de los hongos de penetrar en el tallo del cabello, lo que impide la infección por tinea capitis en los adolescentes y los adultos.

What are the signs and symptoms of tinea capitis (ringworm) in children?

Al principio, los niños pueden presentar descamación en áreas del cuero cabelludo, que avanza a una descamación generalizada y la formación de costras. Los padres suelen confundirla con la caspa. Children do not have dandruff.

They may certainly have psoriasis of the scalp (a problem often misdiagnosed as tinea capitis until it repeatedly fails antifungal therapy).

Accompanying symptoms of itching, hair loss, “pus bumps” (pustules) or scaling patches on body sites other than the scalp may arise. Parents may even "catch" the fungus, developing scaling patches on the body.

Existe un problema más grave, que se conoce como “querión de Celso”, debido al cual los niños acuden al consultorio médico. La afección incluye lesiones grandes y redondas que supuran y forman costras debido a una infección fúngica. Si se detecta de manera temprana y antes de que se produzca demasiada inflamación, se forma una cicatriz; por lo general, la pérdida de cabello asociada se recupera.

How is tinea capitis (ringworm) in children treated?

  • Oral medicationTinea capitis can result from a number of different fungi, but they are all treated with oral (by mouth) medication.
  • Topical medicationTopical antifungal products and shampoos can't penetrate the hair shaft where the majority of the fungus resides.  It used to take 4-6 weeks of treatment with Grifulvin V® syrup for complete resolution, however, some fungi have become resistant to therapy. It is not uncommon to see treatment last 3 months, or even as long as 6 months.
  • Prescription medicationTherapy is initially based upon the child´s weight and, if there is no improvement within 4-6 weeks, the dosage is then raised. Grifulvin V® syrup can most commonly cause nausea and vomiting (usually improved by lowering the dose and taking on a full stomach). It can also cause headaches and increased sun sensitivity. While it may cause liver or blood count changes, fortunately these changes are very unlikely.
  • ShampooThe use of anti-fungal shampoos such as over-the-counter Nizoral® shampoo can provide some relief from itching and decrease spread to other people, but it is not capable of penetrating the hair and curing the fungal infection by itself. The prescription form of this product, Nizoral® Shampoo 2% has similar properties. One trick for improving the appearance and comfort of the scalp: apply baby oil to the thickened scaling areas for at least 15 minutes prior to shampooing can help loosen the scale on trouble zones.
  • PreventionEncourage your children not to share hats, combs and brushes with their friends or family members. This is a very common way to spread the infection. Periodically disinfect the hair combs and brushes anyway. You never know when they were shared. Diluted ammonia or liquid bleach solution can be used. Make sure the combs and brushes are well rinsed so that the chemicals do not come in contact with the skin. Two other sources of fungus are children playing with their friend´s hair or they may pick up the fungus from infected kittens.

Tenga paciencia. Lamentablemente, la tinea capitis puede durar mucho más tiempo de lo esperado; pero al menos es tratable.

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