Pediatric neurogenic dysphonia
Pediatric neurogenic dysphonia (neu·ro·gen·ic - dys·pho·nia) is a voice disorder that occurs due to any number of diseases that affect the nervous system. This causes nerves in the larynx (voice box) to weaken, which affects the function of vocal cords.
What is pediatric neurogenic dysphonia?
Dysphonia refers to voice disorders that affect the quality, pitch and loudness of the voice. The vocal cords (also called vocal folds) are located in the larynx and vibrate to create sound. They also regulate the flow of oxygen into the lungs and protect the airway from foreign particles while eating and drinking.
When certain diseases target the nervous system, the nerves in the larynx also can be affected. This, in turn, can prevent vocal cords from working properly.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric neurogenic dysphonia?
Abnormal pitch and volume of voice
Loss of voice
Shaky voice
Strained, hoarse or weak voice
What are the causes of pediatric neurogenic dysphonia?
Causes of neurogenic dysphonia in children can include:
Malformations or structural defects in the cerebellum (the part of the brain near the spinal cord)
Posterior fossa tumor (a type of brain tumor)
Pediatric neurogenic dysphonia doctors and providers
- Dr. Ron Mitchell, MDENT (otorrinolaringólogo pediátrico)
- Dr. Romaine Johnson, MDENT (otorrinolaringólogo pediátrico)
- Dr. Stephen Chorney, MDENT (otorrinolaringólogo pediátrico)