20 de jun de 2022, 10:42:06 a. m., hora de verano del centro 1 de ago de 2024, 11:58:03 a. m., hora de verano del centro

8 summer activities to avoid learning loss

Prevent learning loss with these fun summer learning activities.

Niña y niño pequeños leyendo un libro Niña y niño pequeños leyendo un libro

Summer vacation provides a break from the school year. But a few months away from the classroom can also lead to a learning loss between grades.

“La pérdida de aprendizajes en verano, también llamada ‘pérdida de conocimientos’, es real y ha sido documentada por investigadores durante décadas”, dice Melinda Lauer, especialista educativa de Children's Health℠. “La buena noticia es que también es muy evitable”.

Research shows that students can lose approximately one month of learning over the summer, with math skills typically suffering more than reading skills. Younger students, especially those in early elementary grades, tend to experience more significant summer learning losses compared to older students.

Fortunately, you don’t have to force your kid to do boring workbooks every day to combat learning loss. Instead, you can steer them towards creative activities that stimulate their thinking and imagination.

8 activities to avoid learning loss

1. Create a summer schedule together

A summer schedule is one of the best ways to help your child make good use of their summer time with varied activities.

"A family calendar can help prevent boredom and the unknown," Lauer says. “Cuando los niños saben qué sucederá y tienen algo que esperar, generalmente, las cosas funcionan mejor”.

Según el niño y su familia, esto puede incluir lo siguiente:

  • Campamentos
  • Tareas
  • Excursiones
  • Objetivos de aprendizaje
  • Visitas a bibliotecas o museos
  • Tiempo de lectura
  • Tiempo programado para la familia
  • Vacaciones
Sugerencia: Plan different themes each week to add fun and variety to the calendar. Involve your child in creating the summer schedule and give them options to choose from.

2. Keep them reading

Your child doesn't have to read a classic book. They can read any book, magazine or newspaper. The point is to get them to be excited about reading – any way you can.

Estas son algunas ideas:

  • Read a book outside or at the park.
  • Sign up for a summer reading challenge at your local library.
  • Schedule a "reading evening," similar to a movie night where you have reading time as a family or take turns reading a book aloud.
  • Make some snacks and encourage everyone to read for 30 minutes – including you. Your child is watching your behavior too.

3. Sign up for summer camps and programs

¿Le interesa a su hijo la robótica, la cocina, las plantas o el arte? Libraries, local recreation centers, nonprofit groups and universities often offer week-long themed programs or summer camps with a focus that will get your child excited about learning.

Ask your friends, other parents and neighbors about summer programs and camps their kids have really enjoyed.

4. Consider volunteering

Volunteering is a great way for older children to learn and explore new interests. Volunteer opportunities for your child may include:

  • Albergues para animales
  • Organizaciones benéficas
  • Bancos de alimentos o cocinas comunitarias
  • Hospitales
  • Bibliotecas
  • Tutoría

Volunteering can be educational, fun – and can even help inspire a future career. It can also fulfill service requirements for high schoolers and looks great on resumes.

5. Go on a trip

You don’t have to go far to have a new, enriching experience with your child. Museums, aquariums, farms and historical locations can be great, hands-on learning destinations.

Sugerencia: Let your child select a family “field trip” destination based on a place or activity they studied during the school year. Get creative and ask a local business (like a bank or kitchen) if they can give you a tour to teach your child about real-world skills.

6. Enroll in summer courses

¿Le interesa a su hijo una asignatura que su escuela no ofrece? Maybe it's a foreign language, a type of art or a musical instrument.

Las escuelas y organizaciones comunitarias ofrecen clases de verano para todas las edades. You may also find free or paid classes online, through an app or on YouTube. If your child is learning online, be sure to set limits around how much screen time they have and try to find ways for them to practice their skill without a screen.

7. Do family projects that use math

According to research highlighted by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), students can lose up to 50% of their math skills over the summer. Family projects can be a fun, practical way for kids to practice math skills.

Here are some ideas:

  • Count or measure items around the house
  • Build a sandbox or plot and plant a garden
  • Bake a cake
  • Follow a recipe – or try to double a recipe!
  • Make a grocery budget

8. Consider college prep work or tutoring

If you have older children, you can encourage them to use a few hours here and there to take practice versions of standardized tests or write personal statements for college applications. It can be a lot easier to do these things when they’re not stressed out by all the other pressures of school.

And if there is a school subject that is challenging for an older child, summer can be a great time to seek out extra support from a tutor or online course. Have your child ask their teachers for recommendations in subjects they may need or want more support.

Screen free activities to engage your child's brain

¿Busca más ideas sobre lo que su hijo puede aprender durante el verano? Here are a few more fun, screen free activities to stimulate your child’s brain during summer:

  • Crear una lista de cosas por hacer y empezar a tachar ítems
  • Explorar los parques y las áreas naturales locales
  • Make your own flashcards (vocabulary, presidential facts, math equations, etc.).
  • Preparar nuevas recetas para cenas familiares
  • Tomar un trabajo de verano (cuidado de niños, corte de césped, cuidado de mascotas, etc.)
  • Iniciar un diario personal
  • Start a new exercise routine. (See tips to stay active in the summer).
  • Take a babysitting, CPR or first aid course.
  • Escribir cartas a amigos y familiares para sorprenderlos

Educational screen time recommendations

Of course, there will be days during summer break when your scheduled activities don't go as planned. On days like that, it’s important to remember that it’s OK for children to have some screen time.

The key is to be prepared with summer learning apps or websites that are educational – and then set some clear screen time limits.

Educational websites for younger kids:

Educational websites for older kids:

  • ReadWriteThink (de 6.º a 8.º grado)
  • Whyville (math puzzles, programming, virtual business, grades 3-9)
  • SciFRI (science and technology videos, grades K-12)
  • Khan Academy (math, science, computing, art, economics, grades K-college)
  • Storybird (storytelling site helping kids create and publish storybooks, grades K-12)

See more tips for tuning your child's screen time into an opportunity for learning.

Ultimately, Lauer says, if you keep summer learning fun, your child will likely have more success retaining what they’ve learned in school.

"Creative learning can be very different than classroom learning," she says. “Utilice el aprendizaje como incentivo, no como soborno, y sobre todo, ¡diviértanse aprendiendo juntos!”.

Ver más recursos de verano

Children's Health está junto a usted para mantener a su familia saludable y segura este verano. Obtenga más consejos de seguridad e ideas de actividades para el verano.

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