6-year-old | gastroenterology patient
MOOOve over. Little Brentlee is taking the world by storm.
Let your dreams run wild
Dogs bark. Cats meow. Dreams soar. And nowhere is that more evident than with 6-year-old gastroenterology patient Brentlee who wants to be a vet when she grows up. With three dogs at home, she's getting excellent practice feeding them, skating around with them and caring for them. Find out what other animals Brentlee plans to treat in the future.
Favorite Care Team Member
Having five mamma bears is better than one
Brentlee might not remember her NICU stay, but her mom sure does. As a mother, you want the best for your child. And Brentlee's nurses Stephanie, Angie and Teresa did everything to make that happen. Today, they're beyond proud of the progress Brentlee has made with Van Nguyen, advanced practitioner at the Intestinal Rehabilitation Center at Children's Health℠ Specialty Center Dallas.
Patient Story
Training a short bowel
At only three months old, Brentlee was admitted to the the Level IV NICU at Children’s Health where she had surgery to remove half of her small intestine due to a bacterial infection. Today, she still struggles with nutrition and abdominal pain, but you’d never know. This brave little 6-year-old continues to do what she loves – be it helping animals or roller skating.
Favorite Animal
Proving dogs really are a girl’s best friend
From her dogs June, Abby and Akeelah to the pet therapy dogs at Children’s Medical Center Dallas, Brentlee’s favorite animal is hands down dogs. She’s even devised a ploy to get a fourth dog in the near future. Who could say no to this adorable aspiring vet?
Favorite Pastime
Skating circles around her diagnosis
Roller skating is Brentlee’s second love to animals. Her favorite light-blue Frozen skates are never far from her. In fact, for the past four years she’s had her birthday party at the roller skating rink – never letting her abdominal pain get her down. Do you have an activity or sport you love?