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Pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in children (pneu·​mo·​nia) occurs when the lungs swell and fill with fluid due to an infection.

What are the different types of pneumonia in children?

There are four types of pneumonia:

  1. Bacterial pneumonia - streptococcus pneumonia or bacterial bronchitis

  2. Fungal pneumonia - pulmonary aspergilloma, invasive aspergillosis or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

  3. Parasitic pneumonia -  ascariasis (a round worm), schistosoma (flatworms also known as blood flukes) and toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis, typically associated with cats)

  4. Viral pneumonia - the flu or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

What are the causes of pneumonia in children?

Pediatric pneumonia can be caused by a bacteria, virus, fungus or parasites (in rare occasions). Bacteria and viruses are the main causes of pneumonia infections.