Fax: 214-456-6320
Fax: 469-497-2507
Park Cities
Fax: 469-488-7001
Fax: 214-867-9511
Request an Appointment with codes: General Surgery
At Children’s Health℠, we offer expert care for kids with pilonidal disease (pi·lo·ni·dal - dis·ease) at our specialized wound clinic, and we take extra steps to make treatment as easy and comfortable as possible.
Fax: 214-456-6320
Fax: 469-497-2507
Fax: 469-488-7001
Fax: 214-867-9511
Request an Appointment with codes: General Surgery
Pilonidal disease happens when ingrown hairs in the crease between the buttocks cause irritation and infections of the skin.
Pilonidal cysts look like a small dimple or, in severe cases, they can be as large as a golf ball. If they go untreated, pilonidal disease typically gets worse.
Patients may experience the following:
Doctors can diagnose pilonidal disease with a physical exam. They’ll be able to see the infection with the naked eye, assess how severe it is, and determine the best treatment for your child. Ultrasounds or other images are usually not needed.
Hormone changes in teenagers and young adults, as well as individual anatomy, can cause hair follicles to grow into the skin, leading to pilonidal disease. Things that irritate this area – such as tight clothing, long periods of sitting or activities like horseback riding or bike riding – can contribute to the disease.
Our team uses both surgical and non-operative approaches to treat pilonidal disease. For many patients, the disease may come back after initial treatment, and we provide treatment over several weeks to months. We will evaluate your child’s condition and pick the best treatment option for them.
Treatments include:
Our team has cared for many children with pilonidal disease, ranging from the mildest to the most severe. Our nurses and doctors take extra steps to make kids and teens feel comfortable while they’re with us, providing quick access to care and making treatment as comfortable as possible.