Cirugía de Ravitch pediátrica
What is the pediatric Ravitch procedure?
The Ravitch procedure involves removing the firm portion of the cartilage that holds the chest in a concave shape (Cartilage is the flexible yet firm portion of the anterior chest wall). The procedure is done under general anesthesia and involves removal of abnormally shaped cartilages.
Surgeons are careful to leave behind part of the cartilage that will grow and flex as your child ages. After removing the cartilage, surgeons reposition the sternum and ribs, and insert thin braces under the ribs and sternum to hold the chest in its new shape. These braces dissolve in six months. By then, new cartilage has grown and naturally keeps the chest’s new shape in place.
What are the benefits of the pediatric Ravitch procedure?
Some irregular chest shapes can interfere with a child’s breathing and heart function. In those cases, the Ravitch procedure creates space for the heart and lungs to work properly. Having a typical chest shape also enables kids to engage in sports and other activities they couldn’t or wouldn’t try before. Overall, our patients report a greater sense of well-being, confidence and enthusiasm in the months and years following this procedure.
What are the side effects and risks of the pediatric Ravitch procedure?
The Ravitch procedure doesn’t have many side effects.
Your child will have to restrict their activity for six to eight weeks after the procedure.
Some kids experience mild pain following surgery.
The incision forms a scar that is about three to six inches long.
Approximately 5 to 10% of all patients see their chest abnormality come back.
On rare occasions, surgery will accidentally dislodge cartilage from the sternum, and that can cause breathing problems for the child later on.
After the procedure, there is a slight risk the cartilage in their chest ends up becoming stiff, which creates discomfort.
Pediatric Ravitch procedure doctors and providers
- Dr. Adam Alder, MDCirujano pediátrico
- Dra. Lauren Gillory, MDCirujana pediátrica
- Dr. Samir Pandya, MDCirujano pediátrico
- Dr. Mark Leo Ryan, MDCirujano pediátrico
- Prof. Kim McHard, APRN, PNP-PCEnfermera facultativa pediátrica: Cirugía pediátrica