Assistance in the community for adults with special needs
The ARC of Texas
The mission is to expand opportunities for people with mental retardation and other developmental difficulties. Arcs are found throughout the country and are affiliated with the parent organization, The Arc of The United States, and state subsidiaries (The Arc of Texas). All Arcs hold to a common set of core values and positions related to quality of life, inclusion, and rights. The Arc of Dallas offers both advocacy and direct services.
The ARC of Dallas
The Arc of Dallas offers both advocacy and direct services. The Arc of Dallas service area includes Collin, Dallas and Rockwall counties. The ARC provides client services, family services, community resources, professional services, and advocacy.
Arcdays: Redefining Day Hab
Adults and teens, ages 16 and older with intellectual and developmental disabilities can meet new friends improve self-esteem and enhance life skills at The Arc’s daily programs in Collin and Dallas counties. Arcdays currently operate in locations in Allen, DeSoto and Garland.
Classes are open daily from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p. m. and include activities for a variety of ability levels and a wide range of interests, talents and skills. Participants can choose from one day to all five days a week. State-approved rates apply for HCS, TxHmL and respite care clients, or private pay is an option at just $30 per day. To enroll or for more information, contact Melody Berryhill at The Arc (214) 634-9810 ext 106.
Leadership institute
Leadership Institute is designed for older teens and young adults with intellectual and related developmental disabilities to increase the participant’s ability to form opinions, participate in government, volunteer in the community and speak publicly.
Leadership Institute is usually an eleven-week program of 90-minute classes (one evening per week). However, special arrangements are available to teach the curriculum on a different timetable. Participants are instructed about their role as contributing citizens of the community and receive a certificate upon graduation. Class size is limited and participants must apply. Thanks to the underwriting of the Hatton Sumners Foundation, there is no participation fee for Leadership Institute.
Weekend outings
Supervised field trips in The Arc’s three-county service area are offered through The Arc L.I.F.E. program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Arc L.I.F.E. (Learning Is Fun and Educational) classes and activities, including evening dances, are held in many locations throughout Collin, Dallas and Rockwall counties in conjunction with community partners. For our current schedule see the calendar section of our website, or sign up to receive The Arc’s quarterly newsletter and schedule. Fees range from $5 for dances to $50 for field trips to area attractions. Sometimes an additional supply or transportation fee applies.
Twelve steps to success
Twelve Steps to Success is a comprehensive education series that helps families map out their individualized road to success. Twelve Steps to Success provides information and insights on twelve essential topics that empower families. Topics range from early childhood interests, to school-aged issues, to life as an adult. Professionals provide relevant up-to-date information.
Also, the North, South and East “Live the Dream” EXPOs provide regional venues that connect families to community service providers. In addition, forums and consultations are available on a variety of topics that help families answer questions and solve problems.
My Possibilities
Is a full day (8 a.m. – 6 p.m.), full year continuing education program for adults with special needs/disabilities who have “aged out” of secondary education.
My Possibilities offer a variety of programs:
Achieve program: focus on reading/writing skills, personal wellness, home economics and development of axial and vocational skills
Explore program: offers programming that is designed to be innovative and enriching in the areas of personal goal development, physical wellness, and social interaction through community centered opportunities
Create program: offers programs designed to help individuals find their hidden talents and self-expression through art
University program: offers the higher-skilled individuals the opportunity to more fully develop their vocational skills and be exposed to resume writing and proper interview techniques
Connect to care
Provides information, referral and assistance to caregivers, professionals, older adults and individuals of all ages who need help navigating the system.
Directory of community resources in Texas
Find disability resources and community services throughout Texas! The Directory of Community Resources is a project of the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University.
Easter Seals North Texas
There are 4 locations which you may find listed on their website.
Lenee Bassham
VP of Community Living Services
CLASS (Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services; Community Living Assistance and Support Services) Case Management
There are two types of providers in the CLASS program: case management agencies and direct service agencies. Easter Seals provides Case Management services. Some of Easter Seals’ responsibilities are screening, eligibility determination, initial assessment, assistance in the enrollment process, advocacy for the participant in obtaining services, response to crisis situations, identification and linking participants with community resources, overall coordination of CLASS services, monitoring services that are provided.
Referrals can be received from any source, including self-referral. All initial referrals must be passed on to DADS in Austin for submission to the interest list. To register in the Community Living Assistance and Support Services interest list please call 1-877-438-5658.
Epilepsy Foundation
The Epilepsy Foundation leads the fight to stop seizures, find a cure, and overcome the challenges created by epilepsy. Established in 1983, the Epilepsy Foundation Texas-Houston/Dallas-Fort Worth/West Texas provides a number of programs and services, including the following: Public and Professional Education & Awareness Programs, Education and Consultation Services, Employment Services, Camp and Recreation for people with epilepsy and their families, and specialized medical care in nine clinics throughout the state.
Texas Center for Disability Studies (TCDS), University of Texas at Austin
1-800-828-7839 or 7830
TTY - 1-800-735-2989
The mission of TCDS is to serve as a catalyst so that people with developmental and other disabilities are fully included in all levels of their communities and in control of their lives. TCDS consists of an inter-disciplinary team of professionals at the university level, persons with disabilities from state, regional, and local communities, statewide services providers and advocacy organizations.
Texas Technology Access Project (TTAP)
1-800-828-7839 (answered by TCDS)
The TTAP provides information, conducts training and technical assistance and works with policy makers to support children and adults with disabilities in their efforts to acquire and use technology as a routine part of day-to-day living
Deaf Action Center
A non-profit agency in North Texas for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, run by the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
American Foundation for the Blind - Southwest
AFB's priorities include broadening access to technology; elevating the quality of information and tools for the professionals who serve people with vision loss; and promoting independent and healthy living for people with vision loss by providing them and their families with relevant and timely resources.
Reading and radio resource (resources for the vision-impaired)
Reading and Radio Resource is a charity that’s purpose is to make blind people feel like they aren’t forgotten about in society. It does this in various ways from raising awareness, providing educational materials, corporate understanding of blind people in the workplace and also an extensive library of converted audiobooks. They also run a 24-hour radio show exclusive to those with visual disorders or blindness focusing on the issues that matter to them and ensuring the content is in line with what they are interested in, offering an oasis for many who may not have the resources or support to leave the house often!
Talking book program
Free library service that provides reading material in large print, Braille, and on cassette for loan to individuals with qualifying physical, visual, and learning disabilities.
ADAPT of Texas
Disability rights advocacy group comprised mainly of individuals with disabilities and focuses on promoting services in the community.
Disability Rights Texas
Non-profit corporation funded by Congress to protect and advocate for legal rights of people with disabilities. Also provides a listing of resources.
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD)
The mission of TCDD is to create change so that all people with disabilities are fully included in their communities and exercise control over their own lives.
Deaf Blind Multi-Handicapped Association of Texas (DBMAT)
DMAT’s mission is to promote and improve the quality of life for all Texans who are deaf, blind, and multi-handicapped and blind multi-handicapped