Pediatric hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
Pediatric hypoglycemia (hy·po·gly·ce·mia) or low blood sugar, occurs when the blood glucose falls below 70 mg/dl.
What is pediatric hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)?
Hypoglycemia can occur if your child is not eating enough carbohydrates at meals or snacks. However, low blood sugar levels may differ depending on your child's age. It is important to be prepared with a glucagon emergency kit, including 15g of fast-acting carbohydrates.
Call 911 if the patient is unconscious or having a seizure followed by instructions given by your endocrinologist or primary care provider.
Niveles normales de glucosa:
Antes de una comida: 80 – 130
2 horas después de la comida: menos de 160
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)]?
Behavior changes
Blurred vision
Convulsions or Seizure
Dilated pupils
Incapacidad para concentrarse
Leg cramps
Symptoms may also be noticed when there is a rapid decrease of the level of blood glucose, even if the blood glucose level is not low.
Hypoglycemia unaware
Some children (especially those less than six years of age) may not make adrenaline when they have a glucose log. They may not have signs or symptoms of a low glucose. You might see behavior change such as sleepiness or irritability with a low glucose.
Test the glucose to determine if your child is having low blood sugar. For your child's safety, please notify school staff and caregivers if your child does have these symptoms.
What are the causes of pediatric hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)?
No ingerir suficientes carbohidratos en las comidas o los refrigerios
Recibir insulina excesivamente o recibir la dosis incorrecta
Increased physical activity/exercise
Enfermedad que incluye vómitos
How is pediatric hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) treated?
Use the "Rule of 15"
15g fast acting carbohydrates
Retest glucose in 10-15 minutes
Repeat if necessary and contact your endocrinologist or primary care provider
Pediatric hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) doctors and providers
- Dr. Perrin White, MDEndocrinólogo pediátrico
- Dra. Abha Choudhary, MDEndocrinóloga pediátrica
- Dra. Melissa Ham, MDEndocrinóloga pediátrica
- Dr. Huay-Lin Lo, MDEndocrinólogo pediátrico
- Dra. Muniza Mogri, MDEndocrinóloga pediátrica
- Dra. Nivedita Patni, MDEndocrinóloga pediátrica
- Dra. Amanda Shaw, MDEndocrinóloga pediátrica
- Dr. Ming Yang, MDEndocrinólogo pediátrico
- Prof. Jimmy Penn, APRN, FNPEnfermero facultativo: Endocrinología