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Profundicemos en las normas de seguridad en piscinas

La prevención de ahogamientos es importante durante todo el año. Aprenda consejos de seguridad para la piscina en todas las estaciones.

Consejos e información sobre la seguridad en el agua Consejos e información sobre la seguridad en el agua

Pool time is a fun way to spend family time together or connect with friends. También es una forma maravillosa de hacer ejercicio. But when kids are playing in or around a pool, it's important to take precautions to make sure everyone is safe.

Safety tips for when a pool is in use

Follow these 10 water safety rules to prevent pool injuries or tragedies whenever a pool is in use:

  1. Assign adults to supervise the pool at all times, known as Water Watchers. Each Water Watcher commits to a 20- to 30-minute shift where they agree to focus strictly on supervising the children in and around the pool – no chatting, cell phone or distractions.
  2. If you are in charge of supervising kids, maintain constant visual contact with children in the pool. Maintain touch contact (no further than an arm's length away) with all non-swimmers and young children.
  3. Nunca deje a un niño solo en una piscina o spa ni por un segundo.
  4. No permita zambullidas en el extremo poco profundo de la piscina.
  5. Keep a phone near the pool. In case of an emergency, dial 911.
  6. Keep non-pool toys like big wheels, wagons and tricycles away from the pool.
  7. Retire los juguetes inflables de la piscina cuando no estén en uso.
  8. Don't allow swimming in an unlit pool after dark.
  9. Use life jackets for kids who are not strong swimmers.
  10. Keep pool safety devices nearby – like a rescue ring or a pool noodle.

How to dive into a pool safely

Most home and hotel pools are smaller and not as deep as large public pools – so they're not as safe to dive into.

Here's how to best protect yourself before you dive into a pool:

  • Asegúrese de que la profundidad mínima sea de 8 pies.
  • Nunca se sumerja en una piscina desde el suelo.
  • Sumérjase solo en el extremo profundo con las manos delante de usted.
  • No se sumerja desde los lados de la piscina.
  • No se sumerja ni salte de un techo o edificio.
  • No se sumerja en los juguetes.
¿Sabía que…? Diving improperly can cause life-threatening spinal cord injuries.

Safety tips for when your pool is not in use

Pool safety may not be top of mind when your pool is not in use, but 15% of children who drown in North Texas do so in winter. And drowning incidents in cold weather are more likely to be fatal.

Follow these 6 pool safety tips to keep your pool safe all year long:

  1. Asegúrese de que todas las puertas de las cercas y las puertas que conducen al área de la piscina se cierren y traben automáticamente. Make sure the latches are above a child's reach.
  2. Restrict a child's access to the pool if there is not somebody who can watch them at all times.
  3. Mantenga las puertas y cercas cerradas. Además, considere usar una alarma de puerta para alertarle si un niño sale al exterior.
  4. Utilice una cubierta de seguridad aprobada para la piscina o una cubierta de spa. Considere la posibilidad de instalar una alarma de piscina, que le alerta si algo ingresa en el agua.
  5. Drene el agua estancada de las cubiertas de la piscina y utilice cubiertas rígidas.
  6. Keep chairs and other climbable items far away from the pool fence.

Otros consejos de seguridad en la piscina

Beyond taking these precautions to keep swimming pools safe for children, there are other ways to prevent pool accidents.

  1. Enseñe a los niños mayores a marcar 911 en caso de emergencia y mantenga un teléfono cerca de la piscina.
  2. Consider swimming lessons for all children 6 months and older.
  3. Assess your child's swimming ability every year.
  4. Consider keeping a first aid kit on hand for minor injuries.
  5. Encourage parents, babysitters, guardians and anyone over 14 to learn CPR and update their CPR skills annually. The American Red Cross provides information on signing up for a local or online CPR class.
  6. Keep pool chemicals out of children's reach and follow the instructions on the labels for how long you need to wait to go in the pool after you add chemicals to it.

Obtener más información

El equipo de prevención de lesiones de Children's Health℠ se compromete a mantener a su familia segura. See more water safety tips or learn more about our water safety program.

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first aid, injury prevention, pool, recreation, sport, safety, swimming, water safety, water sports

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