Fax: 214-456-8042
Fax: 469-497-2507
Congenital kidney abnormalities (con·gen·i·tal - kid·ney - ab·nor·mal·i·ties) occur when a kidney doesn’t develop normally before birth, leading to various kidney function problems.
Fax: 214-456-8042
Fax: 469-497-2507
Congenital kidney abnormalities occur when a baby's kidneys and urinary tract do not form properly while developing in their mother's womb. These problems are present at birth.
One or both kidneys can be affected. In many cases, the abnormalities will not have significant health effects on the child.
Some of the more common types of congenital kidney abnormalities include:
Symptoms will vary due to the wide range of congenital kidney abnormalities and their impacts on a child’s health. Many of the conditions can be detected before the baby is born and symptoms are visible. Others may not cause symptoms or problems until adulthood.
Symptoms before a baby is born:
Symptoms in infants (birth to 1 year):
Symptoms in those 1 year and older:
Kidney abnormalities are typically inherited (passed down through families).