Prevention of Urinary Stones with Hydration (PUSH)
Study ID: STU 042017-009
Parents of kids 12-17 years old who have had 1 or more kidney stones: UT Southwestern and Children’s Health are recruiting participants for a hydration study. The National Institutes of Health clinical trial provides a smart water bottle and nominal compensation.
If you are interested in participating and would like more information, please contact Martinez Hill, Clinical Research Associate, Urology Practice Research, 214-456-0279. If you are an adult and are interested in participating and would like more information, please contact Cynthia Rangel, Research Study Coordinator, UT Southwestern, 214-645-8787. Compensation will be offered throughout the study and you get to keep the smart water bottle.
Participant Eligibility
Participants must be 12-17 years old.
At least one symptomatic stone event (passage or procedural intervention) within 3 years prior to enrollment.
Parental permission for children.
Owning and willing to use a smartphone or other device (e.g., tablet) that is compatible with the study.
You will be provided with wireless enabled smart bottle