Bolsa para los días en que se siente mal por la diabetes
The following is a list of recommended supplies to always keep on hand in a “ready to pick up and go” sick day kit for any parent caring for a child with diabetes.
- 8-ounce measuring cup to help make sure you’re drinking enough liquids
- Alarm clock or timer (use your phone if easy) to help you monitor blood glucose levels and ketones regularly
- Anti-vomiting medicines as recommended by your child’s doctor
- Backup batteries for any electronic devices, including for your glucose meter(s).
- Blood glucose monitoring supplies
- Extra insulin pump supplies if you use a pump
- Glucagon emergency kit (preferably both an injectable and nasal)
- Glucose tablets or gel
- Hand sanitizer
- Insulin syringes - especially important if you are on an insulin pump
- Ketone test strips
- List of all the medicines your child currently takes (including doses)
- List of important phone numbers, including health-care providers and friends or relatives you can call on for help
- Nonsteroidal pain and fever relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin
- Pen and pad of paper
- Plastic bags (for disposing of used tissues)
- Shelf-stable foods such as unopened jars of applesauce, canned soup, peanut butter, canned tuna, and powdered milk
- Shelf-stable liquids such as bottled water, boxed juice, and powdered gelatin, sports drinks, and sugar-free beverages
- Small sharps container
- Sugar-free cough drops, syrups, and throat lozenges
- Thermometer
- Tissues
Descargue la aplicación Diabetes Advisor
For just-in-time assistance with dosing decisions, and an easy way to reach our clinic team if you need us after hours, download Diabetes Advisor App. The app is available on the App Store on Apple devices. (This app is currently available for iOS. Estamos desarrollando una versión compatible con Android).
Envíe la palabra “diabetes” al 77444 para descargarla.
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Once you download the app, you can contact for assistance in using the app. Please allow 2-3 days for a response. In addition, your physician and care team can help orient you to the app and how you can best use it to manage your diabetes.
*General resources are available to the public; only Children’s Health℠ patients’ can access the diabetes management functions.
- Diabetes