Programas de bibliotecas
Nuestros Biblioteca de recursos para la familia offers a variety of services and programs for patients and families through The Krissi Holman Family Resource Library at Dallas and the Karahan Family Resource Library at Plano.
1:1 Storytime
Librarians and volunteers visit patient rooms and read at the bedside. To request a 1:1 Storytime for your child or have books brought to your room, contact the Family Resource Libraries or call 214-456-0222.
Programa de biblioteca ambulante
Librarians and volunteers take our bookmobile to all areas of our inpatient and outpatient locations with carts loaded with books for all ages (board books, chapter books, young adult, adult and research-level) in English and Spanish when available. We can also provide bookmarks and activity packets so each family can select their forever book and packet to take home. The activity packets coloring pages, word games, library information, crayons, and color pencils for the entire family.
Long-term reading program
The long-term reading program provides story times and activities supported by librarians and volunteers on a weekly basis. These are created to be personal to each patient we meet with during their stay in the hospital. Meet reading goals and win prizes!
Request a reading goal checklist from the Family Resource Libraries to learn more.
Mini unit library
Mini unit libraries are "mini lending library" hosted on different floors in the hospital. These give patients 24-hour access to books close to their rooms. Each mini library includes a bookshelf on wheels, a selection of books for patients & families, and a scannable stand to check out books.
One for the road
Is your child in isolation or is your visit to the hospital short? You can pick a book to take home. Librarians are passionate about getting books into the hands of our patients, and families. Thanks to our many generous donors’ new books and trinkets are available to take home throughout the year.
Seacrest Studio storytime
Tune into channel 77 on Thursdays at 10 a.m. to listen to our featured book of the week. Each month the library features books from our collection. Come by the library to get a complimentary activity packet to match the book that week.
Children’s Medical Center Dallas Biblioteca de recursos para la familia Krissi Holman 214-456-0222
Children’s Medical Center Plano Biblioteca de recursos para la familia Karahan 469-303-7735
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