Modified Pediatric Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (mP-CIMT) Program

Modified Pediatric Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (mP-CIMT) Program

Improving Your Child’s Arm and Hand Function

The Modified Pediatric Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (mP-CIMT) Program at Children’s Health is among a select few in the region offering an intensive occupational therapy for children experiencing arm or hand weaknesses.

mP-CIMT focuses on improving strength, function and movement for children who have one arm or hand that’s weaker than the other. Your child wears a removable cast on their stronger arm. Having their stronger arm in a cast (constraint) encourages your child to use their weaker limb as they perform activities with our licensed occupational therapists and at home with you.

At Children’s HealthSM, your child receives the full one-on-one attention of an occupational therapist who has advanced training in modified pediatric constraint-induced movement therapy. With repeated constraint and therapy sessions, your child’s weaker limb becomes stronger and they may use it more.

(Integrated Therapy)


Inpatient Fax: 214-867-5479

Outpatient Fax: 877-820-9077


Specialty Center Preston

Ste 100

Fax number: 469-303-4810


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Dedicated care from experienced specialists

Our occupational therapists specialize in helping children with upper limb weaknesses get stronger. Their advanced training in mP-CIMT and the dedicated one-on-one time with your child help achieve treatment success.

Our therapists understand the frustrations a child may have when using their weaker arm. They know how to make therapy fun so your child gets the full benefit from each session. And we teach you how to engage your child in exercises at home, too.

Focused exercises that improve limb usage

Your child wears the removable cast during mP-CIMT sessions at Children’s Health and for a set number of hours during at-home therapy with you. Our occupational therapists will customize a treatment plan based on your child’s unique needs.

These therapy sessions focus on repeating specific movement patterns, such as reaching their hands above their heads. The difficulty of these exercises gradually increases to further encourage using their weaker arm. This repetition helps form new networks in your child’s brain that lead to improved limb control and movement.

Over time, your child will use their weaker limb without even thinking about it. They’ll be able to perform two-handed tasks better and do things more independently.

Meet the Care Team

  • Stefani Masten PT
  • Morgan Lindeman PT


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