Consejos de protección solar para niños

8 tips on how to protect kids from sun damage

Durante los meses de verano, las actividades al aire libre están en pleno apogeo y el sol es intenso. Es importante enseñar a los niños que un verano saludable y seguro comienza con protegerse la piel.

Take these eight simple steps to protect children from the sun's harmful rays.

Seguridad para los niños expuestos al sol

1. Apply sunscreen daily

Sunscreen is not just for summer or going to the pool, it should be worn anytime your child goes outside – regardless of the season or the weather. Aplique protector solar con un factor de protección solar (FPS) de al menos 30 para proteger su piel. Make putting on sunscreen part of your child's everyday routine – just like brushing teeth, making the bed or getting dressed.

¿Sabía que…? On cloudy days, 80% of ultraviolet (UV) rays can still get through. And in the winter, snow can reflect the sun's UV rays and double your exposure.

2. Reapply sunscreen regularly

Put more sunscreen on your child about every two hours if they are outside for an extended period of time – or sooner if they've been playing in water or sweating.

3. Protect against UVA and UVB rays

Busque protectores solares de amplio espectro que protejan contra los rayos UVA y UVB. Los rayos UVA pueden broncear la piel y causar envejecimiento, piel curtida y cáncer de piel, incluido el melanoma. Los rayos UVB pueden causar quemaduras solares, cáncer de piel y aumento de lunares en algunas personas. Vea más consejos para elegir un protector solar para niños.

4. Use sun protection clothing

Dress your children in a variety of available UV protective clothing that can be worn in and out of the pool or water. Protective clothing also includes wide-brimmed hats, long sleeved cotton shirts and sunglasses.

5. Wear UV protection sunglasses

UV rays can harm your child's eyes and cause a variety of eye conditions. Look for sunglasses that block as close to 100% of UV rays as possible.

6. Stay inside or in the shade during peak hours

Evite realizar actividades durante las horas de mayor sol (de 10 a.m. a 4 p.m.) cuando sea posible.

Sugerencia: It's time to find shade if your shadow is shorter than you are! That's when you know the sun is at its strongest.

7. Be mindful of skin sensitivity

Some children's skin is more sensitive than that of others. Children under four and those with fair skin have a higher risk of getting sunburns. If your child is taking medication, make sure you know the side effects. Some acne medications cause increased skin sensitivity. It is best to limit your child's exposure to the sun and take special precautions if they have sensitive skin.

8. Perform skin checks and monitor moles

Perform a full body skin exam at home at least once a month in order to stay aware of any changes to your child's moles. Look for changes in color, shape or surface texture. If you spot any of these changes, call your child's doctor.

By helping your child develop regular skin protection habits, you can help reduce their risk of skin cancer and make sure they safely enjoy the sun.

Obtener más información

Children's Health está junto a usted para mantener a su familia saludable y segura este verano. Vea más consejos de seguridad para el verano.


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