5 tips for preventing hot car deaths

Los padres ocupados y distraídos pueden dejar fácilmente a un niño en un automóvil caluroso; seguir algunos consejos sencillos puede ayudar a salvar vidas.

Según Safe Kids Worldwide, incluso en un día relativamente agradable de 80 °F, la temperatura dentro de un automóvil puede aumentar 19 grados en 10 minutos. Since a child's body heats up three to five times faster than an adult's, the risk of heat stroke, brain damage and death are much greater for children left in hot cars.

Esto significa que solo unos minutos pueden marcar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte.

¿Sabía que…? Texas leads the nation in child hot car deaths? According to KidsAndCars.org, more than 150 children died from vehicular heatstroke in Texas between 1990 and 2023.

El equipo de prevención de lesiones de Children's Health℠ nos recuerda que estos incidentes son evitables y a menudo son resultado de las distracciones típicas de la vida, que los padres tienen prisa y que transportan a sus hijos fuera de su rutina típica. También puede suceder cuando los niños suben a un automóvil desbloqueado.

Safety tips to prevent hot car deaths

If you are responsible for getting a child from place to place, keep these tips in mind for preventing hot car tragedies:

1. Make a habit of checking the back seat

Build a habit of checking the back seat every time you exit your car, even if a child is not with you. Making this a habit means you will check the backseat without even thinking about it, even if you are busy or have a lot on your mind. Tips for building this habit include:

  • Placing your cell phone, briefcase, purse, house keys or other important items in the backseat before driving to your destination. This can help you make sure you check the backseat every time you leave the car.
  • If your vehicle has the option, set a rear seat reminder (a message that pops up on your dashboard reminding you to check the backseat when you turn off your car).
  • Create a practice of opening the back door every time you get out of the car, even if you know your child isn't in the back seat.
  • Keep a stuffed animal in your child's car seat and move it to the front seat when they're in the car. This can be a visual reminder that will help you make sure to check the back seat.

2. Establish a peace-of-mind plan

When you drop off your child, make a habit of calling or texting any other caregivers, so all of you know where your child is at all times. Ask daycare providers to call you if your child does not arrive on time and they have not heard from you. This can help create a fail-safe so you know where your child is and be quickly alerted if they are not where they're supposed to be.

3. Keep vehicles locked with keys out of reach

Vehicular heat stroke deaths in kids don't just happen when a child is left in a hot car. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 26% of kids who died in cars had climbed into an unlocked car themselves and became trapped. Make sure you always lock the car and that your child cannot unlock the car themselves.

4. Call 911 if you see a child alone in a car

Stay at the scene until police arrive and ask them if there is anything you can do to help the child while you wait.

5. Spread the word

Help educate other parents and caregivers in your community about the risks of leaving children in a hot car and share any tips and tricks you use to help remind you to check the backseat every time. Hable con su familia y sus vecinos sobre la importancia de mantener siempre las puertas del automóvil cerradas, especialmente durante los calurosos meses de verano.

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