Sepa cuándo hablar con el pediatra sobre el desarrollo del niño

Reconocer los signos de retraso en el desarrollo.

As your child grows, they will begin to hit certain developmental milestones like crawling, talking and walking. Aunque cada niño crece de forma diferente, todos tienden a alcanzar estos hitos del desarrollo aproximadamente al mismo tiempo.

If your child is just a month or two behind, it's worth noting, but may not be a cause for immediate concern. However, if your child is multiple months behind in the development of one or more basic skills, you should talk to your child's pediatrician about the possibility of a developmental delay that may require intervention.

Hitos típicos del desarrollo

Hitos del desarrollo alcanzados a la edad de un año:

  • Expressing emotions with sounds, cries, and basic facial expressions
  • Crawling or scooting around
  • Looks when name is called
  • Sitting independently and pulling up to stand on their own
  • Engaging in social games with caregiver (e.g. peek-a-boo)
  • Able to say a few single words (e.g. "dada" or "mama")

Hitos del desarrollo alcanzados a la edad de 2 años:

  • Drinking from a sippy cup and using a spoon
  • Scribbling with crayons or markers
  • Following simple one-step directions
  • Walking on their own
  • Using two-word phrases (e.g. "Go bye-bye?" or "Good doggy!")
  • Showing objects of interest to others
  • Helping caregiver dress them (e.g. raising hands over head to put on shirt)
  • Noticing and responding to basic emotions of others
  • Pointing to basic body parts when asked (e.g. "Where is your nose?")

Hitos del desarrollo alcanzados a la edad de 3 años:

  • Correr y saltar.
  • Construir torres altas con bloques.
  • Using two- or three-word phrases, with total vocabulary of approximately 50 words
  • Using objects in symbolic and creative ways (e.g. pretending their toothbrush is an airplane)
  • Asking questions to find out more information
  • Following simple two-step directions
  • Initiating play interactions with other children
  • Using a fork
  • Avoiding dangers when warned (e.g. irons, hot stoves, etc.)

Evaluación de retrasos en el desarrollo

Pediatricians, pediatric psychologists and neuropsychologists can diagnose a developmental delay. Los pediatras pueden consultar pautas y listas de verificación precisas para realizar el diagnóstico. Your pediatrician may also refer you to a developmental pediatrician (a doctor who specializes in child development), a pediatric neurologist, or a psychologist for more comprehensive evaluation.

"With developmental delays, early evaluation is crucial. It allows us to pinpoint your child's specific areas of need and tailor interventions effectively," says Amber Gibson, PhD, Pediatric Psychologist at the UT Southwestern and Children's Health℠ Center for Autism Care and Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern.

Since a significant amount of brain development occurs between 0-3 years, this period is a critical window for growth. Research shows that early intervention leads to the best outcomes. Addressing needs early may help to prevent the skill gap between your child and their peers from widening as they grow.

Intervención temprana por retrasos en el desarrollo

La intervención temprana puede ayudar a muchos niños a alcanzar el desarrollo. Las posibles intervenciones pueden incluir:

  • Fisioterapia
  • Terapia ocupacional
  • Terapia del habla
  • Corrección de la vista.
  • Asistencia auditiva.
  • Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services (children younger than 3)
  • Special education services (children 3 years and older)

Muchos retrasos en el desarrollo pueden superarse con una intervención adecuada. For instance, speech therapy can help your child's language development or articulation skills, and physical therapy can help a child who is struggling with balance and coordination.

Other developmental disabilities are long-term, such as an intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder. However, early intervention can still be extremely beneficial for children with these conditions, helping them reach their full potential.

Obtener más información

If your child has missed several milestones, talk to a pediatrician or a psychologist at Children's Health by calling 214-456-7700.


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